Слухи!!! |
Докси Ведьмочка Откуда: 12, Гриммолд Сообщений: 169 | Написано: 28.10.2004 08:43 | Инфо Правка |
На сайте издательства Росмэн появились последние новости о Гарри Поттере. Полным ходом идут съемки четвертого фильма «Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня». Скорее всего, американская премьера состоится ровно через год, в ноябре 2005г. Роль Темного лорда предложена английскому актеру с ледяными глазами Р.Файнсу, известному по фильмам «Грозовой перевал», «Список Шиндлера» и роли Евгения Онегина в одноименной ленте. В фильме, который будет сниматься в очень напряженном темпе (главные герои в реальной жизни стремительно взрослеют) в значительной степени будут урезаны сцены рождественского бала и чемпионата по квиддичу, а также романтическая история Хагрида и мадам Максим. Остается добавить, что шестая, предпоследняя книга о Гарри Поттере, «Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка» скорее всего, выйдет в Англии в начале 2005 г., а не к католическому Рождеству, как ранее заявляла писательница. В этом случае российские читатели смогут познакомиться с ней не ранее 2006г. Что вы об этом думаете?
Latona Ведьмочка Откуда: Санкт-Петербург Сообщений: 132 | Написано: 28.10.2004 09:16 | Инфо Правка |
Докси значительной степени будут урезаны сцены Фильмы про ГП до этого тоже вовсю резали. Но 4-я часть сильно отличается от предыдущих - она объемнее, сложнее, интереснее. Я считаю, что "резанный" 4-й фильм не будет в должной степени отражать сущность волшебного мира. Я даже не против 2-х фильмов по 4-й книге, но я не режиссер |
Emma Woodhouse Ведьмочка Откуда: Moscow Сообщений: 40 | Написано: 28.10.2004 11:41 | Инфо Правка |
Докси Шестая книга выйдет в начале 2005 года? Неужели? В таком случае осталось ждать всего 2 месяца! Ура!! |
Elf Gremlinus Повелитель Эльфов Откуда: Азкабан Сообщений: 363 +++++++++++++ | Написано: 28.10.2004 18:46 | Инфо Правка |
Emma Woodhouse плизз ссылку на эту новость! сюда! в этот топ! |
Почти Безголовая | Написано: 28.10.2004 19:01 | Правка |
напьюсь в честь этого завтра (: |
Emma Woodhouse Ведьмочка Откуда: Moscow Сообщений: 41 | Написано: 30.10.2004 09:32 | Инфо Правка |
Elf Gremlinus спросите Докси |
ЛюсикО | Написано: 28.11.2004 21:00 | Правка |
Когда Альфонсо Куарон попросил актеров написать небольшое соченение про их персонажи ДЭниел с трудом написал страницу, а Эмма - 16!!! (Говорят у ДЭниела потчерк похож на калиграфичиские страдания пятилетнего ребенка, если не трёхлетнего!!! Мне вот интересно, как у него с умственным развитием? Надеюсь не на том же уровне
. |
Та, кого нельзя назы Ведьмочка Откуда: я везде! Сообщений: 243 ++++++++ | Написано: 07.05.2005 18:25 | Инфо Правка |
ЛюсикО Я слышала, что у Дэна с умом всё в порядке. Он не учится в школе из-за съёмок, но сдаёт все экзамены и сдаёт неплохо. Да и вообще, у всех гениев был плохой почерк. |
Elf Gremlinus Повелитель Эльфов Откуда: Азкабан +++++++++++ | Написано: 09.05.2005 16:42 | Инфо Правка |
Та, кого нельзя назы А Уизли - панк по натуре. |
Та, кого нельзя назы Ведьмочка Откуда: я везде! Сообщений: 264 ++++++++ | Написано: 10.05.2005 11:58 | Инфо Правка |
Elf Gremlinus Вы про Рона? |
Elf Gremlinus Повелитель Эльфов Откуда: Азкабан +++++++++++ | Написано: 10.05.2005 12:22 | Инфо Правка |
Та, кого нельзя назы ну да
я не знаю как его там в реале зовут |
Сипуха Почтовая Сова Малфоя Откуда: из Имения Сообщений: 195 | Написано: 10.05.2005 13:58 | Инфо Правка |
ЛюсикО Это видно во втором фильме, когда он пишет в дневнике,у него явные проблемы с почерком
Дамби Колдун Откуда: хижина дяди Тома Сообщений: 127 | Написано: 10.05.2005 14:14 | Инфо Правка |
Сипуха Наооборот, мне его почерк показался неестественно каллиграфическим, и уж никаких проблем там точно не было |
Та, кого нельзя назы Ведьмочка Откуда: я везде! Сообщений: 268 ++++++++ | Написано: 10.05.2005 20:06 | Инфо Правка |
Elf Gremlinus А я слышала, что он, наоборот, рэп слушает. Сипуха А мне показалось, что у него нормальный почерк для 12-летнего ребёнка. |
14.07.2005 15:25 Нейтрон подклеил тему СПОЙЛЕРЫ |
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 30 | Написано: 14.07.2005 14:31 | Инфо Правка |
КТо не хочет читать - не читайте! Но, там не менее, для тех, кто хочет читать - Вам сюда.
Добавление от 14.07.2005 14:34:
Два варианта названий глав: 1. Epiphany 2. Spinners End 3. A Bizzare Birthday 4. Sleeping Giant 5. Acception and Redemption 6. Draco's Detour 7. Cats and Hats 8. A Dark Turn 9. Safe Haven 10. Hallowe'ens Past and Present 11. Snape's Secret 12. What Has Come, Has Come 13. Talk Of The Devil 14. Felix Felicis 15. Collision Course 16. Wartime Christmas 17. The Truce 18. The Half Blood Prince 19. A Reminder 20. The Indicator 21. Morsmordre 22. Tempted And Turned 23. Reminiscences 24. Lord Voldemort's Army 25. Assets and Caskets 26. Protections and Prophecy 27. Blurred Words 28. Detente 29. Evacuation 30. You Have Your Mother's Eyes 31. Regroup 32. Delusions of Grandeur и 1-The Other Minister 2-Spinner's End 3-Will and Won't 4-Horace Slughorn 5-An Excess of Phlegm 6-Draco's Detour 7-The Slug Club 8-Snape Victorious 9-Half-Blood Prince 10-The House of Gaunt 11-Hermione's Helping Hand 12-Silver and Opals 13-The Secret Riddle 14-Felix Felicis 15-The Unbreakable Vow 16-A Very Frosty Christmas 17-A Sluggism Memory 18-Birthday Surprises 19-Elf Tails 20-Lord Voldemort's Request 21-The Unknowable Room 22-After the Burial 23-Horcruxes 24-Sectumsempra 25-The Seer Overheard 26-The Cave 27-The Lightning-Struck Tower 28-Flight of the Prince 29-The Pheonix Lament 30-The White Tomb,
Ollnik Чайка над Порту Откуда: С берегов Атлантики Сообщений: 225 | Написано: 14.07.2005 14:42 | Инфо Правка |
А откуда это взялось и почему два столь разных варианта? Насколько можно доверять вообще этой информации? |
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 32 | Написано: 14.07.2005 14:57 | Инфо Правка |
Еще партия спойлеров: Жаль, что не на нашем
( The blurb from the book flap ) The war against Voldemort is not going well. Even Muggle governments are noticing. Ron scans the obituary pages of the Daily Prophet looking for familiar names. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for long stretches of time and the Order of the Phoenix has already suffered losses. And yet, as in all wars, life goes on. Sixth year students learn to Apparate and lose a few eyebrows in the process. The Weasley twins expand their business. Teenagers flirt and fall in love. Classes are never straightforward, though Harry receives some extraordinary help from the mysterious half-blood prince. So it is the home front that takes center stage in the multi-layered sixth installment in the story of Harry Potter. Here at Hogwarts, Harry will search for the full and complex story of the boy who became Lord Voldemort, and thereby find what may be his only vulnerability. ( Death ) Albus Wulferic Percival Brian Dumbledore Aragog ( Who is the Half-Blood Prince? ) Severus Snape ( WTF?!? How is THAT the Half-Blood Prince??? (no ID) ) The HBP's father was a wizard, mother was a Muggle named Eileen Prince. He is a Prince, not a prince. ( The fate of Bill Weasley ) He marries Fleur Delacour and his face is mutilated. ( The fate of Albus Dumbledore (MAJOR SPOILERS HERE, PEOPLE! DON'T SAY YOU HAVEN'T BEEN WARNED!) ) He dies. At night. At the hand of the Half-Blood Prince. At Harry's side. On page 595. He gets badly injured and Harry tries to carry him to safety. He practically begs for his organized mind’s next adventure. The HBP enthusiastically complies just when Harry thinks they’re safe. ( The fate of Severus Snape ) He flees after the events discussed above. ( The fate of Harry Potter ) He gets another kiss. He spends the last page knowing that a final confrontation with Voldemort is to come, whether it's in a month, a year, or ten years, but he wants to spend all the time he can before then in the company of his close friends. He vows that if he sees the HBP again, he will hand him his ass. ( The fate of Ron Weasley ) He lives. He looks away pointedly at the first portion of the fate of Harry Potter. ( The fate of Hermione Granger ) She lives. ( The fate of Ginny Weasley ) She perpetrates the first portion of the fate of Harry Potter on her way to bed. ( Random shit ) There's something called a horcrux and also some fake horcruxes. И, наконец, самое интересное. С фото страницы №606. Here it is, from the big and clear picture: "Hagrid
" "But what happened, Harry? I jus' saw them Death Eaters runnin' down from the castle, but what the ruddy hell was Snape doin' with'em?" "He
" Harry cleared his throat; it was dry from panic and the smoke. "Hagrid, he killed
" "Killed?" said Hagrid loudly, staring down at Harry. "Snape killed? What're yeh on abou', Harry?" "Dumbledore," said Harry. "Snape killed
Dumbledore." Hagrid simply looked at him, the little of his face that could be seen completely blank, uncomprehending. "Dumbledore wha', Harry?" И вот еще: We have Narcissa ('Cissy') and Bellatrix ('Bella'), on more or less good terms, going to see Snape, who, as it turns out, is indeed a double spy, and convinces them that he is bamboozling Dumbledore. Nice detail: Wormtail is there cleaning his house and mixing drinks. You can't blame anyone for saying this looks like vindictive fanfic, lol. Narcissa is frantic, and here comes the biggie: As punishment for Lucius's mistake, Voldemort has ordered Draco to do something; Narcissa has Snape swear that he will protect Draco, and carry out the order should Draco fail. : Can't read much now, have to write up three files for work today, but from quickly skimming further chapters: THE SHIPPERING EXPLODES LIKE WHOA! IT'S A HEAP OF DETAILS that jumped out at me FROM THE FIRST THIRD OF THE BOOK. - Dumbledore says: 'Sirius knew what he was doing' VINDICATED! And: Dumbledore mentions that Sirius and Harry should have had a long and happy relationship. conbusts - Mrs Weasley hates future daughter in law Fleur - Harry only has an E in Potions, that surprised me. - Harry & Narcissa get into a bit of a fight (My ship sails! Or has a good enough excuse) - Fred & George: enema humour (I don't blame you if you don't believe me) - Ginny & Gabriele; bridesmaids - Blaise Zabini is tall, and black with high cheekbones and slanted eyes. Lovely! He is also attracted to Ginny, and yet calls her a blood traitor (methinks he is jealous of Dean) - Snape takes seventy (70) points from Gryffindor after Draco and his cronies beat Harry bloody. - Fuck. Snape is DADA. But: it means Harry can continue Potions. Thank you, Jo. - Voldemort's mother fed her Muggle hubby a love potion. - Katie gets hurt badly, there is a Pensieve scene where Albus has auburn hair (yum). H/G: Ginny & Dean kiss, and Harry about loses it with furious, raving jealousy!!! More later, really have to get some work done now. Most of the earlier spoilers - Snape with a mother called Prince - were true, also the shippery bits and Bill getting mangled. -There is something very wrong with Ron, at some points. Lavender calls him 'Won won.' (Can't get rid of the feeling that JKR is making fun of sundry badfic, is this some huge hoax I am not in on, and somebody sent me a counterfeit copy?) _________________ И еще: -Harry/Ginny do date, but it's only briefly. They date for a while, but break up because Ginny realizes she doesn't love Harry, but the idea of the boy-who-lived. -Dumbledore is killed by the Defense Professor. -The Half-Blood Prince is Snape -Hints of Hermione having more than just friendship feelings for Harry. -Ron dates Luna Lovegood -Amelia Bones is the new Minister of Magic -Bill/Fleur get engaged! -Tonks has a thing for Remus, and they hold hands at the end. -Hints of Neville liking Ginny as more than just a friend. -Harry gets 10 O.W.L.s, Hermione gets 12, and Ron gets 8 -Harry, Hermione, Draco, Susan Bones, and some more people take Advanced Potions (Ron isn't in this group) -Harry takes Occlumency with Dumbledore -Spinners End is the Order's New Headquarters -Felix Felicis is a spell not the Defense teacher or Half-Blood Prince.
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 33 | Написано: 14.07.2005 14:59 | Инфо Правка |
ЕЩЕ: The chapter titles posted yesteday that start with the Other Minister are absolutely 100% correct, minus all the typos of course. First chapter is called the Other Minister because you start out in the POV of the Prime Minister. First sentence of the entire book right here, wrote it down — "It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long memo that was slipping through his brain without leaving the slightest trace of meaning behind." Yeah, now that's that done. I know I'm not gonna spell this right, but Scrimgeour? Spelled something like that is the new MOM. Harry and him aren't very friendly in the Christmas chapter, the MOM wants something from Harry, info or something, and the new mom also has people wrongly in jail, mainly Stan(no clue?). This was just scimming the pages. Harry can apparate. More than just himself, too. He apparated DD when he was dieing. Because DD does die. Snape is the HBP(I THINK, didn't read the chapter but it was implied in the end with a convo with Hermione). DD gives Harry a locket with initials in it before he dies, already forgot the initials. Something to do with Snape or Voldemort. They go on a journey to find out about Tom's past, at least, I read a few chapters like half way through that weren't even at Hogwarts. Ginny and Harry hook up. Had a lot of H/G interaction
seemed every page I glanced at, but I'm sure it wasn't THAT much
they even kissed right in front of Ron and Hermione, Ron looked away when they did. Hermione shrunk away when Lavender walked up and started talking to Ron while they were walking with Harry. Snape is missing at the end. Didn't read anything about Draco other than he was getting info somehow? Hogwarts might be closing at the end. Harry does leave to go on an adventure to get Horcruxes(spelling?)
Ron and Hermione convince him to let them come along. Bill/Fleur do/are getting married
Ginny doesn't like it
Harry says she isn't that bad, Ginny raises eyebrows, Harry says shes ugly of course, Ginny giggles. Yeah. Oh. Jacket text, wrote that down too. "The war against Voldemort is not going well; even muggle governments are noticing. Ron scans the obituary pages of the Daily Prophet, looking for familiar names. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for long stretches of time and the Order of the Pheonix has already suffered losses. And yet
As in all wars, life goes on. Sixth year students learn to apparate — and lose a few eyebrows in the process. The Weasley twins expand their business. Teenagers flirt and fight and fall in love. Classes are never straight forward, though Harry receives some extraordinary help from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince. So it's the home front that takes center stage in the multilayered sixth installment of the story of Harry Potter. Here at Hogwarts, Harry will search for the full and complex story of the boy who became Lord Voldemort — and there by find what may be his only vulnerability."
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 34 | Написано: 14.07.2005 15:01 | Инфо Правка |
Короче, ссылка: http://www.diary.ru/~jenni/?comments&postid=5763063 И картинка:
К сообщению приложены файлы: 1.jpg (32.57 Кб) |
2prongs2 Мародер Откуда: Одесса Сообщений: 1492 | Написано: 14.07.2005 15:08 | Инфо Правка |
Думается мне, всё это гонево
К примеру, Роулинг говорила, что магловские правительства не будут участвовать в войне с Волдемортом. А такую картинку нарисовать — особого труда не надо. |
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 38 | Написано: 14.07.2005 15:17 | Инфо Правка |
Ну, это посмотрим
Всего день остался! |
Naccledirk Колдун Откуда: Lithuania Сообщений: 153 | Написано: 14.07.2005 15:18 | Инфо Правка |
Ндa..Мaлoверoятнo, прo пешеру с пенсивoм, прo лес из делюкснoй oблoжки, и прo дoм в лесу - ни слoвa. A пoследняя инфoрмaция пoлученa лишь вчерa, и тaк кaк в этих спoйлерaх ее не сoдержится, тo думaю этo все гoневo
Добавление от 14.07.2005 15:23:
Дa и плюс все эти спoйлеры выдумaть не труднo: в oснoвнoм ктo с кем будет встречaться и уже выскaзaнные миллиoн лет нaзaд дoгaдки..
Добавление от 14.07.2005 15:29:
ХA, спoйлеры левые, смoтрите нaстoяший сaммaри. http://www.bloomsbury.com/harr
20Released |
Ollnik Чайка над Порту Откуда: С берегов Атлантики Сообщений: 229 | Написано: 14.07.2005 15:55 | Инфо Правка |
Половина текста точно ерунда, потому что Роу говорила о Снейпе , что он чистокровный.
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 42 | Написано: 14.07.2005 15:58 | Инфо Правка |
Так ведь в этих спойлерах есть где-то, что Prince - это просто девичья фамилия матери Снейпа. типа, он не принц, а наполовину принадлежит семье Prince. |
2prongs2 Мародер Откуда: Одесса Сообщений: 1493 | Написано: 14.07.2005 16:11 | Инфо Правка |
К примеру, Роулинг говорила, что магловские правительства не будут участвовать в войне с Волдемортом. Беру свои слова обратно: на обложке британского издания 6-й книги есть фраза о том, что "магловский и волшебный мир переплетаются"! Версия, что Принц — фамилия, интересная. Но в то, что Снейп убьет Дамблдора я все равно не верю. Дамблдор должен дожить до 7-й книги…
Андрюха Маг Полуночи Откуда: Саратов, подземелья Сообщений: 529 | Написано: 14.07.2005 18:10 | Инфо Правка |
2prongs2 Дамблдор должен дожить до 7-й книги… Полностью поддерживаю. Если он и умрёт, то это будет только в седьмой книги. |
shaf Ведьмочка Откуда: Стерлитамак Сообщений: 49 | Написано: 14.07.2005 20:27 | Инфо Правка |
Вот еще спойлеры: Очень-очень краткое содержание первых 10 глав можно прочитать . More extensive Spoilers: I suppose it is a bit ridiculous to warn people on this com to read them only if they want to know, right? < /superfluous > Have edited some details of the last post, and there is one correction: Draco’s cronies did not beat up Harry; Draco did it by himself. He broke Harry’s nose while Harry was petrified, and on the floor. Pass these on if you want to without telling people were you got them, or where I got them, thanks. On with: chapter titles: Ch 1: The Other Minister New MfM: Rufus Scrimgeour, who looks like a lion. Kingsley works for the Prime Minister Casualties: Amelia Bones, Emmeline Vance Ch2: Spinner's End (Snape’s address) See prior post, should add the detail that Narcissa kisses Snape’s hand. On her knees. And Snape takes credit for Emmeline and (in part) Sirius’s deaths. Ch3: Will and Won't Voldemort is using Inferni (Zombies, yay
) Ch4: Horace Slughorn (New Potions master) Dumbledore uses Harry to seduce him into teaching at Hogwarts. Possibly as pervy as it sounds. Lily was one of Slughorn’s favourites. Ch5: An Excess of Phlegm (Phlegm is Fleur’s nickname) Tonks is depressed, Arthur has been promoted, all Weasleys are in mortal peril, all the time. Percy is mentioned as not yet talking to anyone only this once (until p 204) Ch6: Draco’s Detour Casualties: Karkaroff Missing: Florean Fortescue, Ollivander Harry becomes Quidditch Captain. The following exchange takes place between Harry and Narcissa: Harry says: ‘
So why not have a go? They might be able to find you a double cell in Azkaban with your loser of a husband!’ Narcissa says: ‘
I expect Potter will be reunited with his dear Sirius before I am reunited with Lucius.’ The double harvest of smutroaches
digressing. Fred and George: Why Are You worrying About You-Know-Who? You SHOULD Be Worrying About U-NO-POO- The Constipation Sensation That’s Gripping the Nation! Molly: ‘They’ll be murdered in their beds!’ F&G have edible Dark Marks. New character: Fenrir Greyback (who is the one who eventually mangles Bill) Ch7: The Slug Club First Harry/Ginny moment New character: Romilda Vane Blaise’s mother is a gorgeous witch who has done in 7 husbands for their money; Ginny accuses Blaise of being a poser (think this is the second time that Harry gets his nose rubbed into many a boy having an interest in Ginny). Draco has his head in Pansy’s lap; Blaise calls Ginny a filthy little blood traitor who he wouldn’t look at no matter how good she looked. Draco leaves Harry bleeding on the floor. Ch8: Snape Victorious Snape takes seventy points from Gryffindor and mocks Tonks’s Patronus. Ch9: The Half-Blood Prince Lavender expresses an interest in Ron. Harry gets his first detention for provoking Snape. To Harry, a love potion smells like Ginny – which is clear to the reader but not to him (the scent of broomhandles, something at the Burrow, and flowers
there is no stopping the flood of smut now); it is not so clear for Hermione, but since Ron is there and she turns red
Ch10: The House of gaunt (Riddle’s family) Voldemort’s mother is Merope, his uncle is Morfin Gaunt. They speak Parseltongue at home, and are inbred throwbacks (there is no other way to put it, I promise). Felt verry sorry for the girl.
v.tcepesh не волшебник Откуда: Валахия, однако | Написано: 14.07.2005 20:52 | Инфо Правка |
shaf Очень похоже на какой-то фик. |
аналитик Маг Откуда: Министерство Магии Сообщений: 24 | Написано: 14.07.2005 21:29 | Инфо Правка |
2prongs2 Цитата: Дамблдор должен дожить до 7-й книги
Точно, а то кто же нам все объяснит? |